Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Journal #11: Last Blog of the Year?? What???

Well, the 5 people who read this, I'm afraid it's the end of the journey. The last blog of the year has arrived. It's nearly impossible to wrap my head around the fact that my junior year is almost over. This is just too crazy.

On a less hard-to-believe note, our class has been organizing the morning show that airs this Friday. I, as TD, have made the opening, closing, and screen graphic of the school's finals schedule. We film our "press conference" show tomorrow. I think we work very cohesively as a group. I can tell that most, if not all, of the people in the class are dedicated to bringing Kennedy a show they will never forget (like KMZ appears to be to most, I wouldn't know since I've never seen it). We have the ability to make a memorable show, and I know that is what we are prepared to do. Hopefully, I will fulfill my role as TD to the best of my ability. I am excited for what is to come with film.

Well, blog, I'm officially signing off. It's been a great year!


  1. Oh... but you have seen it *evil laugh*
    hopefully we can pull it off next year!

  2. I loved how you began your blog post this time :)
    I believe it went rather well with a few small mistakes due to our nerves. However, we are slowly learning and so by next year, we will be more than ready!

  3. I'm glad that this is the last blog too! Haha :) and we will be awesome next year! Screw all the doubters!
